Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thou Shall Not Use Comic Sans By Sean Adams, Peter Dawson, John Foster, and Tony Seddon - A Book Review

Hey Gang, sorry for the delay of this post.  Life in the graphic design and print business can prove challenging at times!  However, I'm glad to be back am really excited to share with you about the book, Thou Shall Not Use Comic. 

Brief Summary
The book is a compilation of wisdom and knowledge from noteworthy designers (including Sean Adams of Adams-Morika).  The compilation consists of 365 different rules or "commandments".  These commandments are broken down into six, color-coded categories ranging from Type and layout, to imagery and design.  Each author takes one rule and explains it further in a brief "Commentary" section.

The Pluses
+ The book is nicely broken down for easy access and quick reading.
+ The book offers, when appropriate, helpful exceptions to a commandment, usually in the form of another rule.

The Minuses 

– Some language

My Personal Take
Thou Shall Not Use Comic Sans should be a standard part of anyone's library.  Whether you're curious about design or a design veteran, this book provides insightful instruction and helpful advice to help you on your design journey.

Where Can I Get My Copy: 

Hard Copy
 Alibris , Amazon , Barnes & Noble  , Books-A-Million , and E-Bay

, Nook , eBook , and iPad

I hope this book review was helpful and informative.  I would love to hear what you would have to say.  Please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion!

Next Time: Helpful Tips for Print Production

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