Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to Do Deal with a Design Difficulty

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."      —Walt Disney


We've all had those moments.  You've picked, pried, and slaved over a design.  It looks promising.  Then, the teacher, client, or whoever it is, breaks the news to you.  The design does not work for them.  What do you do?

Don't Take It Personally
When it comes to design, it's a very subjective topic.  Just because your client does not like your solution, does not mean you're a horrible person or a designer.  It's just that the particular solution you came up with was not what your client wanted.  

Use It As A Learning Curve
Even if the design didn't work, it doesn't mean that it was a waste.  Thomas Edison, a man familiar with failed attempts, shared this thought. "If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."  That failed attempt has brought you one step closer to a better solution.  Use it as a springboard to create a better design solution.

Refocus on the Design's Objectives
Ask the client why it didn't work and listen. You might discover insight that will make you a better designer on this particular project.  Reevaluate the objectives of the design.  Did it fail because it veered off it's intended course whether by the client or (gasp) you?  Are the objectives true to the client's needs or do they need to change?  Are you and your client communicating the same thing?  Work through all the reasons why the design did not work.

Get Back in There!
It is humbling to have design rejected by a client.  But that doesn't mean it's time to call it quits and give up.  Use the insight you have gained from the failed attempt to create a better solution for your client.  You still have the chance to wow them with your creative insight and expertise.  You may encounter some "foot-in-mouth" or even miss a few "teeth" by the end of it.  But it will be worth it if you create a great product and become an even better designer.

Do You Have Any Advice / Comments on Design Difficulty or Failure?
Please share your comments, stories, and insights!  I'd love to hear from you. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Bookshelf - Word as Image by Ji Lee

Hey Readers (or is it Bloggies?).  As graphic designers and artists, it's important for us to study, learn, and grow in our field, even after art school.  This continual study allows us to stay up-to-date on current trends, gain a fresh perspective, and help us to be better craftsman in the art world.  One way we can do that is by developing a library of design and art books. 

With that in mind I want to introduce a feature I would like to start on this blog, the Bookshelf.  From time to time, I'll give a review on an art/design book and how it could be a useful addition to a designer's library.  I'll also give personal "Pluses" and "Minuses" of the book.  For this first entry I would like to present Word as Image by Ji Lee.

Why It's a Useful Addition to Your Bookshelf: Word as Image presents a fascinating collection of images.  Images made of just words (and to be even more specific, from one font).  Ji Lee showcases how with a little creative manipulation, words can make an image (and we all know that an image is worth a thousand words, right?).  This book makes a great addition to the designer's library because it gives readers a fresh perspective on words and letters.  What I also like about the book is the fact that isn't just a collection of creative word play.  It encourages participation.  Ji Lee shares with readers how to create their own word images (they can even submit their ideas.)  Here's a video featuring words from the book.

Pluses (+):  Word as Image provides a fresh perspective on the creative use of words and letters.  It's a great resource to spark ideas.

Minuses (-):  Some of the word images created may not be appropriate for some readers (i.e. condom, silicone, restroom).

Overall: A great, insightful book if you can look past some of the featured words.

Where to find it: amazon, ebay, alibris, your local Barnes & Noble.  The book retails new for $14.

I hope that this is a helpful review of Word as Image by Ji Lee.  If you have any thoughts or comments about the book or this feature, I'd love to hear it.  Feel free to leave your thoughts on the blog.  'Till next time Bloggies!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where Were You?

Where were you when you heard the news?  I was at the Sarasota County Technical Institute in the middle of a typing exercise.  One of the administrators came in and told us that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center.  At first, I thought they were talking about a small private plane.  It was only after I walked into the next room where the TV was at did I realize what happened.  American Airlines Flight 11 had just plowed into the North Tower.  People crowded around the TV, watching the scene unfold.  Suddenly, United Airlines Flight 175 slammed into the South Tower.  Life would never be same after that. 

Eleven years later, we still remember the loss of nearly 3,000 people.  As we remember that tragedy, we need to be reminded how precious life is.  When did you spend quality time with a loved one or shared a kind word or deed?  Life is to precious to let slip through our fingers. 9-11 should teach us that. 

Thanks to Archetype, we can honor and be reminded of that tragic day, on the 9-11 memorial website .  Let us not forget, both 9-11 and the preciousness of life.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Retrospective and Beyond

Ten years ago, Spiderman (with Tobey Maguire) was the number one blockbuster in America, Google was still in its infancy, and I was an incoming graphic design freshman.  Now, a new Webslinger (Andrew Garfield) has arrived on the silver screen and Google has expanded from being a search engine to an American institution.  As for me, well, I received a bachelor's in graphic design (2006) and a master of art in commercial art (2008). I'm now a production artist / graphic design at one of the largest Christian text book publishers in the world.  One thing hasn't changed though.  My study of graphic design.  

So what's with the blog you ask?  Well, I thought it would be a great way to share what I've learned (and am learning) in the world of design.  My goal for this blog is to provide a useful resource for fellow designers and the artistically inclined.  It may be a book review, a recommendation for an online resource, or just sharing thoughts on design and life.  I hope you will find this blog a great source that you will come back to time and again.  With that, I welcome you to the jepegdesign blog.  Enjoy!