Friday, January 18, 2013

(UN)INSPIRED: Breaking Through the Inspirational Barrier

You experienced this situation before.  You decide to do a personal design / illustration project.  You get everything set up to work on it...and nothing.  No inspiration.  No spark. No "Ah Ha!" moment.  So what do you do when you hit the inspirational barrier?"  Here are a few ideas to help you break through.

Procrastinated Projects: Are there any projects you wanted to work on, but haven't had the time?  Well, dust off the cobwebs and start crackin'. 

Start a Series: Pick something you are interested in (i.e. cars, vintage cartoons, etc...) and build a series based off that interest.  Here's a great example.  

Make Something Useful: Design or Illustrate something that could be used by others (a set of icons or generic rendering of a product).  This could be a great project and promotional tool.

Look Around You: Take a few minutes, or a few hours and observe your environment.  For that matter what about a change in environment.  Variety is the spice of life...and the jump start to inspiration.
The bottom line.  Don't give up!  Keep at it.  Inspiration does not come on it's own.  Sometimes, you have to work to bring it out.

Did this article help?  Do you have any additional ideas for breaking through the inspiration barrier?  Please leave a comment, thought, or insight.  I'd love to hear it!

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