Ten years ago, Spiderman (with Tobey Maguire) was the number one blockbuster in America, Google was still in its infancy, and I was an incoming graphic design freshman. Now, a new Webslinger (Andrew Garfield) has arrived on the silver screen and Google has expanded from being a search engine to an American institution. As for me, well, I received a bachelor's in graphic design (2006) and a master of art in commercial art (2008). I'm now a production artist / graphic design at one of the largest Christian text book publishers in the world. One thing hasn't changed though. My study of graphic design.
So what's with the blog you ask? Well, I thought it would be a great way to share what I've learned (and am learning) in the world of design. My goal for this blog is to provide a useful resource for fellow designers and the artistically inclined. It may be a book review, a recommendation for an online resource, or just sharing thoughts on design and life. I hope you will find this blog a great source that you will come back to time and again. With that, I welcome you to the jepegdesign blog. Enjoy!
Definitely looking forward to the blog. You've always had valuable insight and a passion for what you do. Keep up the good work man.